Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Note on the Sowing of Kolinji in a Standing Crop of Paddy on the West Coast.


                                The value of green manuring paddylands has been well recognized. The practice of actually growing a green manure crop in the fields, has also become widespread. The success of raising a green manure crop in rice lands depends upon the type of land, whether it is single or double crop land, the nature of the soil etc., but the availability of moisture is a limiting factor in almost all cases. In Malabar, Kolinji is one of the most popular of all the green manures and is generally sown in double- crop lands, after the harvest of second crop paddy. In the past few years, due to the successive failures of the North-East monsoon, the sowing of this green manure after second crop harvest was very much limited for want of moisture in the fields.

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