Madras Agricultural Journal
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What Next in Agricultural Extension


                                We have been doing extension work for more than half a century and in the recent past have covered lakhs of acres with improved seeds and green manures through village seed farm schemes. It is no exageration to say that Sesbania has become a household word and that there does not exist a single ryot who does not know Sesbania. Each village has got a village Agricultural Association and each taluk a Taluk Agricultural Association functioning, apart from the Divisional Ryots' Association. These associations keeps constantly in touch with the department and play a great part in extension work. These associations print a large number of leaflets detailing the remedial and preventive measures to be undertaken against pests and diseases and distribute them to the public. They give wide publicity about the Village Seed-Farms, green manures, pests and diseases, crop competitions, about cotton in rice fallows, and modified Japanese method, by putting slides in the local theatres at the appropriate times and thereby inducing people to step up production.

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