Madras Agricultural Journal
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What Next in Agricultural Extension


                                The Agricultural department has been ceaselessly putting forth its efforts on the research and extension sides to better the lot of agriculturists who form the backbone of India's economy. Beginning with a handful of staff early in the century for the work of surveying the local agricultural practices and chalking out improvements, the department has gained much importance especially during the Second World War and shouldered the responsibilities of meeting the demands of farmers during the operation of the "Grow More Food" Schemes in respect of improved seeds, chemical fertilizers, iron and steel for fabricating agri- cultural tools and implements and supply of engines and pumps for irrigation purposes. The darkest days of food shortage have been tackled and now, though the food problem has considerably improved, the efforts of the department have not slackened and a closer network of field staff has been organised during this year. In this paper, it is proposed to deal with the achievements so far gained, the needs of the farming population, and the future lines of work to be followed towards their economic uplift.

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