Madras Agricultural Journal
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Sugarcane yield competitions in Madras State


                                It is now four years since the first award was given for the highest yield of sugarcane in this State. In 1951, a high- yielding crop of sugarcane was noted in Kuniamuthur near Coimbatore. Sri N. L. Dutt, Director of the Sugarcane Breeding Institute was so much impressed with this crop that he arranged for an estimation of its yield. It recorded an average of 97 tons of cane over six acres. Sri Venu Naidu, the cultivator was honoured at the Coimbatore Agricultural College Day Conference. Subsequent to this, a scheme was suggested to the State Government and this is still in force from 1951-52. The highest yields recorded in the Inst four years are 102'4 tons, 107 12 tons, 94 tons and 129 tons. respectively.

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