Madras Agricultural Journal
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Integration of Agricultural Research, Education and Propaganda


                                The very title of the symposium on the one hand the imperative need for the integration of Agricultural Research, education and propaganda, and implies on the other hand, that at present there is lack of co-ordination among the three aspects of agricultural improvement, to the extent desirable. It needs no mention that for the development of any branch of science, research of both fundamental and applied nature is vital. Research also cannot progress without raking into consideration, the work already done, and the knowledge gained by generations due to agelong experience and observations, however emperical they might be. This is so especially in the case of agriculture, which is not only both an art and science but also a pastime, on which rests the national economy of any country, and ours in particular. Agriculture is a vast subject comprising a veriety of sciences, each one having grown to formidable proportions, requiring special study for considerable periods of time. It is well known that a sound knowledge of Botany, Chemistry, Soil-Physics, Entomology, Mycology, Animal-Husbandry, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Meteorology, Economics, etc., not to speak of other sub-branches like Soil-Science, Cyto-genetics. Dairying, Poulty-keeping, Bee-keeping etc., is essential to tackle the problems of agriculture in their true perspective.

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