Madras Agricultural Journal
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Integration of Research, Education and Extension


                                On this historic occasion of the GOLDEN JUBILEE celebrations of this COLLEGE and INSTITUTE it is fitting that that the subject chosen for the conference is a vital one namely Integration of Research, Education and Extension. Looking back with justifiable pride from this important milestone in her long history on her magnificent contribution to the development of Agriculture and her splendid achievements in the application of modern science to the age old methods of plant husbandry shall this Institute rest on her well earned laurels ? Or brace herself to the needs of the stirring times in which we find ourselves today under the inspiring leadership of our beloved Prime Minister? There can be but one answer. She shall march forward to even greater achievements in the future. For this purpose the foremost need appears to be to fuse the three streams of Research, Education and Extension into one well knit mighty weapon that will do away for ever the chronic insufficiency in food and general backwardness of our Villages and usher in a brighter era of prosperity and plenty.

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