Madras Agricultural Journal
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Integration of Agricultural Research, Education and Propaganda


                                This is a very important subject, for the consideration of which the present time is very opportune. The Agricutultural College and Research Institute is celebrating its Golden Jubilee and the Agricultural Meteorology wing of the India Meteorological Department of the Government of India is celebrating in August, 1957 its Silver Jubilee. The All India Farmers' Forum had three conventions. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research conducted recently a seminar on Agricultural Education. So details are available in plenty for taking a final and useful decision on this very important subject of integrating agricultural research, education and propaganda, the adoption of which will certainly maintain steadily the high level of food production in India. The world population increases at the rate of 1,20,000 every day. So it is very essential that something tangible is achieved in this direction. In this paper some suggestions have been given with special reference to the role of the Meteorologists in Agriculture.

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