Madras Agricultural Journal
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Integration of Research, Education and Extension in Relation to Paddy Cultivation


                                From the days of Adam, man has been striving hard to better his lot, with food figuring as the first and foremost item in his programme, as this is an essential article required for maintaining his very existence. In a broader sense, the different nations of the world have been vying with one another in improving their economy for providing better living conditions. This issue has been followed from generation to generation and to-day Agriculture stands in the economy and prosperity of a nation as a very important subject. In the formulation of India's Five Year Plan, provision for enough food for the people has figured as an item of great import. With the progressive increase in the population and rise in the standard of living of the working classes, leading to an increase in the number of people consuming rice or wheat in post war period, have imposed on the Union, the responsibility of further increased production of rice and wheat to meet the growing demands.

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