Madras Agricultural Journal
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Integration of Agricultural Education and Research-Plant Breeder's View


                                A survey of the development and functions of agricultural extension of the various countries of the world including India has been discussed by Brunner, E. et al in the book (1) "Farmers of the world" and this forms a good background for the present discussion on the subject. The fourteen articles compiled in it give a clear picture of the progress made in extension work in both the advanced and the backward areas of the world. It is observed that extension. work has been efficiently felt in advanced countries like U. S. and U. K. where literacy and education are high. It has taught the farmer the knowledge to increase his income and has encouraged him to grow his own food, set a good table and live well. Besides this, the extension section has taught him to appreciate the privileges of the country life, to know something of the world he lives in and to improve his natural talents. The younger generation is also tackled to promote social, cultural recreational, intellectual and spiritual life, to mature them into good citizens. The ambition of extension is to improve the life of villagers of whom a farmer plays the most important part. In the backward countries, unlike the advanced one, extension ideas are thrust on the farmers. The extension work is handicapped due to lack of education and want of research on local problems. The quality of the extension worker is also poor as he is neither a practical farmer nor a scientific worker.

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