Madras Agricultural Journal
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Marketing of Turmeric


                                Turmeric (Curcuma longa L) is an important cash crop largely grown in the districts of Coimbatore (4,000 acres) Tiruchirapalli (1500 acres) and Salem (900. acres) in Madras State. It is grown mostly as a pure erop under canal or lift irrigation, in well manured, fertile and well drained soils. The yield of processed and dried turmeric is about two tons per acre. The yield of green rhizomes are about four time greater. Both the finger ("virali") and round (Kizhangu') turmeric is used as seed material, though there are different ideas about the final yield of the crop in terms of fingers and rounds. Generally in the harvested crop the proportion of bulbs to fingers is about 1:4 by weight. The cost of cultivation of turmeric is roughly about Rs. 1,200/- per acre. The produce is harvested between January to March and is in the market after processing from February onwards. It is mostly exported to Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi, Colombo and other places outside the Madras State.

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