Madras Agricultural Journal
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Price Spread of Cotton in the Tirupur Area


                                Tirupur in Coimbatore district is a very important assembling centre for cotton. Mainly Cambodia and Karunganni are the two varieties marketed in this place. There are 26 ginning factories at Tirupur and nearly 32 kapas commission merchants housed within the regulated market at Tirupur market the bulk of the arrivals. The sales through the Co-operative Sales Society and the regulated market of the Coimbatore Market Committee are negligible. Nearly 2 lakhs pothis of kapas (280. lbs a pothi) arrive annually in the Tirupur market. The busy marketing season is from March to June. Hardly within 30 miles from Tirupur is situated the Coimbatore town-the "Manchester of South India" which bustles with industry, having 42 yarn and textile, mills. Hence the cotton assembled in the Tirupur area gets ginned at Tirupur and finds a ready sale for consumption in the mills at Coimbatore. The conditions for cotton trade are thus ideal with the producing, processing and consuming centres being so nearly situated. A study of the expenses incurred in marketing the cotton and the share each sector obtains from out of the sale proceeds, in such an important cotton growing and consuming area should be of great interest to the student of economics. The details of such a study are presented herein.

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