Madras Agricultural Journal
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Preliminary Studies on Raising Sesbania Speciosa for Green Manure in the Laterite Soils


                                The laterite soils of the West Coast are characterised by their low pH values, poor base status, and low availability of phosphoric acid, though they are well supplied with total phosphoric acid and nitrogen, as seen from the figures of analysis of a typical sample, given in table I. Besides, the soils are very porous lacking in humus and hence have a low moisture holding capacity. To raise their level of productivity it is necessary to build up their organic matter status, for which the best course open is by raising green manures. Sesbania speciosa, because of its performance everywhere was considered to be the best for this purpose. But preliminary studies, carried out in the laterite soils of Mangalore showed, that Sesbania speciosa did not produce good growth, and nodule formation was also poor even after inoculation of the seeds with the proper Rhizobia.

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