Madras Agricultural Journal
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Modern Trends in Indian Agriculture with Reference to the Cultivation of Oilseed Crops


                                India is one of the major oilseeds producing countries in the world and it will not be incorrect to say that oilseeds occupy a very prominent place in the agricultural and industrial economy of the State. The all India acreage is 29-3 million with a production of 53 lakhs tons and the major oilseed crops viz. groundnut, gingellyand caster cover an area of 20.3 million acres, producing 40-5 lakhs tons. In the Madras State they are cultivated in an area of over 20 lakhs acres with an annual production of 8-23 lakhs tons. The area of coconut in India is 1.53 million acres the world acreage being 8-4 million. In this State it is grown in an area of 5'5 lakh acres, producing 1,200 million nuts.

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