Madras Agricultural Journal
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Insects affecting Sea-Island Cotton in Malabar


                                The Madras Agricultural Department has recently introduced a fine variety of cotton known as the Sea-Island cotton (Gossypium barbedence) in the West Coast of this state. This Variety of cotton is cultivated on a few Islands in West Indies and considered as the world's finest and costliest cotton. It is able to flourish well in the West Coast under the climatic and soil conditions obtaining in that tract. It is being successfully raised both as a pure and intersown crop in the coconut gardens in Malabar. Increased efforts are being made by the Departmental authorities to expand the area of culti- vation of this valuable cotton which bids fair to give good return to the cultivator. The author has been making some interesting observations ever since the introduction of this cotton in Malabar with regard to the occurrence of insect pests in the newly introduced variety and has made an attempt to give a list of insects noted by him on this cotton in the following pages, with very brief notes on the nature of damage caused to the plant by them and possible control measures that might be adopted in each case. In attempting to give the list it has been arranged in convenient groups according to the method of feeding of each insect.

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