Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Note on Third Leaf in Sugarcane as an Indicator of Nutrient Status and Yield of the Crop


                                Foliar analysis for determining the nutritional needs of the sugarcane crop has been widely adopted in many cane producing countries. In Puerto Rico, 4, 5, 6 leaf at 10-12 weeks after fertilisation of the cane is taken as an indicator of the nutrient status of the crop and various levels of N, P and K in leaf have been fixed to denote the different levels of nutrition of the crop (4). Foliar diagnosis as a routine control of manurial practices is adopted in Mauritius, British Guiana and other places. Mohan Rao (3) has reported that at Anakapalle the differences in availability and nutritive capacities of different manures are manifested in third leaf nitrogen. Recent work in Hawaii has indicated that stalk tissues are more sensitive and reliable indicator than foliar regions (1).

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