Madras Agricultural Journal
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Development of Pasta and Extrudates Enriched withOmega-3 Fatty Acid and Saponin


                                Pasta and extrudates are a versatile, nutritious, economical and increasingly international food. In this study, an attempt has been made to develop a pasta and extrudates enriched with omega 3 fatty acid and saponin. Flax seed (Linum usitatissimum), rich in omega 3 fatty acid, and vallarai (Centella asiatica L), good source of antioxidant saponin were selected for this study. Experiments were carried out using both germinated and ungerminated flax seed powder in combination with vallarai. The pasta and extrudates made out of ungerminated flax seed were found to have greater amounts of antioxidant and iodine value compared to the products made using germinated flax seed. It was concluded that the pasta made with a composition of 10% vallarai and 20% ungerminated flax seed with maida as a base material and extrudates made of rice flour, 10% soy flour, 20% ungerminated flax seed powder and 10% vallarai were adjudged as the best samples based on the biochemical and sensory attributes.

Key words : Omega 3 fatty acid, Saponin, Pasta, Extrudates Flax seed, Vallara leaves, Antixidant value, Iodine value


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