Madras Agricultural Journal
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Chilean Nitrate as a Fertilizer for Ragi (Eleusine coracana)


                                Chilean nitrate, according to the Nitrate Corporation of Chile, London, is a natural fertilizer obtained from the mineral deposits of Northern Chile. Its special properties are attributed to the natural blending of plant nutrients. Chilean nitrate contains 16 percent nitrogen in the nitrate form, directly assimilable by the roots of plants. It is most efficient as a top dressing dissolving rapidly into the soil and providing the crop with immediately available nitrogen. The effect is maintained during the entire growing period and is often seen on the subsequent crops. Owing to its natural stability, Chilean nitrate, is unaffected by soil conditions and is not subject to any loss of nitrogen by volatilization. It increases the activities of microorganisms in the soil and therefore has special value where conditions of reduced bacterial action prevail as a result of high temperature. The availability of phosphates in the soil is increased by the use of Chilean nitrate. It also conserves soil calcium and prevents acidification. The supplementary action of sodium improves the vigour of plants giving them strength to withstand attacks of pests and disease. Chilean nitrate also decreases wilting in hot dry weather.

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