Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Pythium Root Rot and Chlorosis Complex of Sugarcane


                                During the last two years a disease of sugarcane has been observed in the neighbourhood of Coimbatore. The chief symptom is a marked and severe chlorosis. Affected plants may be recognized from a distance by the striking white colour of the crown leaves. The disease has also been noted in some varieties in the collection of this Institute. It has been observed on Co. 419, Co. 421 and Co. 467 at Tudiyalur north of Coimbatore. Specimens of Co. 419 forwarded from Pugalur in the Tiruchirapally, district, and examined through the courtesy of Dr. K. Ramakrishnan also showed similar symptoms. At Coimbatore it has been so far observed only in the gardenland soils but not in wetland soils. In the collection at the Institute the disease is not confined to any particular species of Saccharum but occurs in different species.

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