Madras Agricultural Journal
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Control of the Leaf Spot Disease of Turmeric Caused by Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.) Butl. and Bisby


                                The leaf sopt disease of turmeric is widespread in India. The disease is incited by Colletotrichim capsici (Syd) Butl. and Bisby (syn. Colletotrichum curcumae (Syd.) Butl. and Bisby) which causes extensive spotting of the leaves. The leaves may eventually dry up and thus adversely affect the formation of rhizomes. The consequent loss has been estimated to be about 50% by Ramakrishnan (1954). He has also observed that high atmospheric humidity favours the development of the leaf spots (Ramakrishnan, 1954) and that the disease is controlled by two sprayings with 1% Bordeaux mixture, the yield being increased by more than 90%. However no statistically laid out trials with fungicides seem to have been conducted. The availablity of several fungicides received for test was therefore taken advantage of in laying out a randomised and replicated experiment on the control of this disease.

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