Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on the relative efficacies of a few chemical herbicides in the control of Spergula arvensis, L. and Oxalis latifolia HB&K., two important weeds of the Nilgiris


                                Spergula arvensis E, commonly known as spurry and Oxalis latifolia HB&K, are the two major weeds of cultivated lands above 5,000 feet, on the Nilgiris. Spergula arvensis L, which was introduced from Europe in earlier years, is an annual, reproducing by seeds produced in abundance. Oxalis latifolia HB&K, a native of Mexico, has spread in many places of the Nilgiris as a troublesome weed. It is a perennial with underground bulbs, by means of which it is able to reproduce and persist in the field for a long time. These two species have now become the most predominant and pernicious of the weed population found in potato fields. Trials were conducted for the control of these weeds with chemical herbicides at the Agricultural Research Station, Nanjanad and the results are presented in this paper.

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