Madras Agricultural Journal
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Agricultural Extension methodology in the community development blocks


                                Prior to the launching of the Community Development Projects, each department of Government was considered as an independent entity. For this reason each department addressed itself to the task of tackling the villager from its own point of view through its hierarchy of officials. As a result, the Agricultural Demonstrator, the Co-operative Inspector, the Supervisor of Works, the Veterinary Surgeon, the Health Inspector, the Inspector of Schools and a host of many other officials approached him and wanted him to do this, that and a third. The success which they were able to achieve in the village depended very much on their own individual efforts and on their capacity to sell their ideas to him. It also depended upon the financial allocations made available to him for undertaking the various developmental activities. The popular Governments in India found this a very unsatisfactory state of affairs. Impatient of the pace of progress, and realizing that the nation's welfare was almost wholly dependant on the welfare of the rural population, the Government of India have embarked on the Community development programme.

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