Madras Agricultural Journal
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Parental Affinities for grain size in Sorghum type, Periamanjal-Irungu


                                Periamanjal-Irungu is an extracted type of Sorghum from a cross between Periamanjal (Sorghum durra) of Coimbatore; and Irungu (Sorghum dochna) of Tirunelveli. This strain of hybrid origin is a fodder-cum-grain type and is being intro- duced in the Irungu tracts of the Southern districts i. e. Madurai, Ramanathapuram and Tirunelveli of the Madras State. Periamanjal- Irungu has recorded 50 percent more grain yield over local in Madurai, where Irungu types are grown for grain and 14 percent more fodder than local in Ramanathapuram and Tirunelveli where Irungu is culti- vated exclusively for fodder. The grain of the fodder variety of Irungu is unfit for human use as it is bitter. The dual purpose Periamajal-Irungu has the potential of completely replacing the fodder. Irungu. Trials with Periamanjal-Irungu are in progress for assessing its suitability in other districts of the Madras State. A few of the reports that have been received are indicative of the plastic nature of Periamanjal-Irungu.

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