Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Note on the Germination of Neem Seeds (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.)


                                The neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is economically an important one in that it gives valuable timber and yields good quality seeds containing 35% to 40% oil. Its bark, gum, leaves, oil etc., are put to a variety of uses in medicine. In recent years much emphasis has been laid on the importance of large-scale planting of oil bearing trees such as lluppai (Bassia sp), Neem (Azadirachta sp), Pungam (Pongamia glabra) and Pinnai (Calophylum inophylum). Of these neem is, a very common and quick-growing tree and its planting on a large scale is generally done during Vanamahotsava commencing from July-August. The propagation of this tree is only through the seed and as such the seeds are to be preserved carefully and utilised for raising seedlings for planting. Neem trees begin to flower during February-March and fruits ripen and begin to drop down from June. Some birds like Crows, Mynahs and Cuckoos eat the whole fruits and the seeds come out along, with their excreta. The seeds that are found shed underneath the trees. are collected by poor people in the villages and sold to the oil- crusher.

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