Madras Agricultural Journal
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Further Studies on Guar as Green Manure Cum Vegetable Crop


                                Guar or Clusterbeans (Cyamposis tetragonaloba) is a leguminous crop which can be successfully grown as green manure in gardenlands. The crop grows quickly putting up luxuriant growth and can be incorporated into the soil in 60 days. The plants are succulent at this stage and decompose readily in the soil. This being a leguminous crop, the fixation of atmosphoric nitrogen in its root nodules also contributes to the soil fertility. Compared to other green manure crops, Quar has a distinct advantage in that it provides an additional income to the farmer in the shape of vegetable pods that could be harvested before the crop is used as green manure. Previous studies conducted at the Millets Breeding Station, Coimbatore indicate that an extra income of Rs. 39/- per acre is obtainable from the crop by sale of pods picked before ploughing it in situ. Further studies on the optimum seed rate and selection of the most economic type of Clusterbeans as a green manure, crop were continued during 1959, at the Millets Breeding Station, Coimbatore and the results are presented in this paper.

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