Madras Agricultural Journal
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Notes on the Biology and Habits of the Black Ant, Camponolus (Tanaemyrmex) compressus (Latrcille).


                                The large black ant Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) compressus (L) is: a familiar insect all over India and has been known to be of considerable economic importance because of its habit of attending on several Homopterous insects. Acccounts of its habits have been given by Wroughton (1892), Rothney (1895), Dutt (1912), Mukerji (1930, 1934), Negi et al (1930) and others and the seasonal incidence and other characteristics by Krishna Ayyar (1935, 1937). Still its life history and its behaviour towards its herds are not fully known. The present account gives further information on the insect as observed in Coimbatore during the past few years.

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