Madras Agricultural Journal
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Early maturing cultures of Ragi, the Finger Millet


                                Ragi (Eleusine coracana. Gaertn) unlike the other millets is mainly culivated in gardenlands in the Madras State. It occupies an area of 10 lakhs of acres distributed over almost all the districts in the State. The crop is first sown in the nursery and later on (20 to 25 days after sowing) transplanted in the main field. Ragi responds well to manuring and a successful crop of Ragi can be grown provided adequate manuring and facilities for irrigation are avail- able. Ragi matures in about 100 to 140 days and records as much grain yield as the other grain crops of the same duration. It with- stands alkalinity to a certain extent. Due to failure of monsoon rains and inadequate facilities for irrigation, there is a persistent demand for early maturing or short duration strains. Early maturing crops can be easily rotated with the other major gardenland crops of the tract. In Chingleput and South Arcot Districts, Ragi is grown under irrigated conditions in a large area in two distinct seasons, viz., December to March, and May to September. The variety grown in December season is shorter in duration and is popularly known as 'Kulla' Ragi. In the May-September a long duration crop 'Perum' Ragi is raised. In the short duration crop, groundnut is usually inter sown about a month before the harvest of Ragi. Groundnut continues to remain in the field till August while Ragi is harvested. Among the selections and strains, two improved strains AKP. 1. and AKP. 2. evolved at the Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalle proved suitable and they are under spread in the tract. Though popular for their earliness, the yields of both these strains however were not as high as those of the other improved strains of the Madras State. With a view to evolve an early maturing strain of Ragi, yielding higher than the strain AKP. 2., selection work was under- taken at the Millet Breeding Station, Coimbatore in the year 1954.

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