Madras Agricultural Journal
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Combination of Results of Groups of Similar Experiments


                                The repetition of agricultural experiments in a number of places and/or over a number of seasons has become a common feature now. The varietal response to manuring experiment in paddy, the model agronomic experiments sponsored by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute on a number of crops and simple fertiliser experiments on cultivators' fields are instances. The object of such repetitions is to study the average response to treatments over a number of places or over a number of seasons and to make firm recommendations that hold good for a fairly wide tract or to a variety of seasonal conditions. It may also be desired to test the consistency of the responses from place to place or from season to season. A knowledge of the method of combining the results of the several repented experiments, therefore becomes necessary. This article is intended to draw attention to a few of the salient statistical considerations involved in the procedure and to briefly indicate the steps to be adopted for a preliminary and overall apraisal of the results.

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