Madras Agricultural Journal
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A review of certain aspects of fertilizer placement for citrus in the U. S. A


                                Proper placement of fertilizer is beginning to rank with proper amounts in the minds of today's farmers. Improper placement has limiting fertilizer responses to a great extent. It is important to have it where it will intercept the roots of the young plant. An estimate of the fertilizer applications in the western section of the United States (Camp, 1947) indicates that approximately 70 percent of the acreage receives nitrogen by hand. Only one percent of the acreage receives nitrogen application in the form of foliage sprays while 20 percent of the acreage receives a part of the nitrogen in the form of urea sprays. In the eastern section too, the percentage of application by hand is 70 per cent. Aside from a few experiments in California and Florida, there is scarcely any detailed work on this important aspect.

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