Madras Agricultural Journal
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Plant Introduction in Madras State-on the Preliminary Trials of Fourteen Varieties of Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris Linn.) Received from Hungary


                                Plant introduction as one of the direct methods by which crop improvement can be effected is well recognized. By introducing exotic plants from areas with similar ecological conditions into suitable tracts and acclimatising and exploiting them for exten- sive cultivation, quicker results are obtained. This aspect of crop improvement came to be recognised by the Government of Madras as early as the latter part of 19th Century and the work was carried out at the Government Botanical Gardens, Ootacamund, Sim's Park, Coonoor, gardens at Kalhatti and the fruit stations at Kallar and Burliar. The results of these Plant. Introduction trials on the Nilgiris have been well brought out by Krishnamurthi (1953). All these stations which are situated on the Nilgiris at elevations ranging from 1500 to 7500 ft. enjoy diverse climatic conditions tempered by the altitude and the monsoon rains received during the different seasons of the year. The acclimatisation and extensive cultivation of potato, most of the exotic vegetables, Cinchona, sub-tropical fruits, spices like cloves, nutmeg, all-spice, Cinnamon etc., and the nearly hundred species of Eucalyptus are the results of such Plant Introductions.

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