p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 48, Issue: jan-jan,
The small black house and garden ant, Monomorium (Holcomyrmex) criniceps Mayr. is well known in almost all areas in South India occurring round about houses and in dry gardens. Although its life history and habits are known from other parts of the world, not much is known from South India. The observations on the ant made in Coimbatore are given in this paper. This is one of the commonest species occurring in dry and hard soil in fields, gardens and pathways around houses. It is usually found carrying grains in farm houses. On account of this habit, the whole group of Holcomyrmez has attained great importance as harvesters. Wheeler (1910) found that the hairs on the labium were greatly elongated and directed forward and concluded that the arrangement must aid in the carrying of the grains. By its varied food and its attendance on injurious insects like aphids it becomes one of the most important insects in this region.
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