Madras Agricultural Journal
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A comparative study of Eleusine coracana Gaertn. and Eleusine reniformis Divak.


                                A comparative study of the two species of ragi, Eleusine coracona Gaertn. and Eleusine reniformis Divnk. is reported. The former is commonly known as globular ragi and the Intter reniform ragi. The two species are easily distinguishable from the seod to the mature plant. Globular ragi has ovate- spherical grains. The first leaf is long and narrow and is inserted at an angle of over 45. The mature plant has an elegant appearance on account of the long flowing leaves. Reniform ragi has kidney shaped grains. The first leaf is short and broad and is parallel to the ground. The plant has a vigorous appearance in early stages of growth, but the mature plant looks wilted due to the presence of a large number of bent leaves. The paucity of tillering, indiscriminate lodging and lack of uniformity in grain size have perhaps rendered the reniform ragi an uneconomic type.

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