Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Golden Nematode of Potatoes (Heterodera rostochiensis Woll., 1923) a threat to potato cultivation in the Nilgiris (Madras State)


                                The golden nematode of potatoes (Heterodera rostochiensis) was reported for the first time in India from the Nilgiris (Madras) in 1961 by Jones. Recent surveys conducted in the Nilgiris have shown that infestation is mainly confined to the Ootacamund area. The appearance of this nematode in the Nilgiris constitutes a threat to potato cultivation in that area. Written mainly with the object of focussing public attention on this important problem, the article provides basic information about the nematode and its life history, the symptoms of the disease caused, methods of detecting infestation, methods of spread, alternate hosts and methods of preventing spread. No practical control measure in known against the pest and unless immediate and effective steps are taken to check its spread, potato cultivation in the Nilgiris is bound to become increasingly difficult in the years to come.

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