Madras Agricultural Journal
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Genesis of Alluvial Soils in Arid and Semi-arid Tracts


                                The genesis of alluvial soils in arid, and semi-arid tracts of West Uttar Pradesh is reported in this paper. The analysis of clay fraction has given a clue that the clay fraction comprises a mixture of clay minerals like hydrous mica (Illite) and montmorillonite. The mineralogical analysis of fine sand fractions indicated that quartz, mien and feldspar wore the commonly occurring minorals in the light fractions and constituted moro than 95 por cent. Heavy minerals like magnetite, rutile, zircon, and apatito are found in traces. The minera- logical analysis of fino sand fractions thus indicated the origin of those alluvial soils from granitie and gneissie rocks and their further trans. port, by the action of water, to the plains. Depending upon the influence of local climatic factors and degree of weathering they have given rise to soils and clays with a mixture of clay minerala.

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