Madras Agricultural Journal
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Preliminary steps for the formulation of selection index for yield in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea Linn.)


                                Correlation studies were conducted on the spreading and bunch strains of groundnut between the various morphological chara- eters and yield and also between the yield components. The final yield was significantly and positively correlated to number of pods and number of secondaries in the spreading strain whereas in the bunch it was corrointed to number of pods, number of nodes in primaries. number of secondaries, mean length of primaries, height of the main axis and number of nodes in the main axis, in the order mentioned. There existed a positively significant association betweon number of pods and number of secondaries in the spreading strain. The latter in turn was associated with number of nodes in the main axis, number of nodes in primaries and height of the main axis. In the bunch variety, each one of the yield components was influenced by the interaction of two or more other attributes.

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