Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Storage Temperatures on Respiration of Moringa Pods (PKM-1)


                                Information on the respiration rate of moringa is essential in designing suitable packaging and storage systems for moringa. Air tight PVC chambers of size (70 x 15cm) to hold one kg of moringa (PKM-1)were used to study the respiration rate at three temperatures namely 14, 21 and 28°C. Generally there was progressive reduction of O2 concentration and a steady increase in CO2 concentration, in all tests. The respiration rate of oxygen was 8.75 ml kg -1 hr -1 at 14oC, 12.01 ml kg -1 hr -1 at 21oC and 66.04 ml kg -1 hr -1 at 28oC. The respiration rate of carbon dioxide was 8.31 ml kg -1 hr -1 at 14oC, 12.01 ml kg -1 hr -1 at 21oC and 34.61ml kg -1 hr -1 at 28oC. There was a 1.5 fold increase in respiration as measured by the value of respiration rate of oxygen from 14 to 21oC and a four fold increase in respiration from 14 to 28oC.

Key words : Moringa pods, respiration rate, temperature studies


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