Madras Agricultural Journal
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A NEW AND SAFER INSECTICIDE FOR THE CONTROL OF Epilachna vigintioctopunctata F. AND Leucinodes orbonalis G. ON BRINJAL


                                An experiment was conducted on the summer crop of brinjal during 1962, for the control of the leaf beetle, Epilachna vigintioctopunctata F. and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis G. with sprays of thiometon (Ekatin) 0.1%, methyl demeton (Meta Systox) 0.1%, methyl naphthyl carbamate (Sevin) 0.1%, dust of Heptachlor 3% and control. The insecticides were applied three times at intervals of about 2 to 3 weeks. The results were highly significant with Sevin proving the best and methyl demeton and thiometon coming next in the order of efficacy. Sevin also gave significantly the highest yield which was double that of the control. It was neither phytotoxic to the plants nor did it give any off-flavour to the brinjal fruits. Sevin is also stated to have low mammalian toxicity with LD of 540 milligrams per Kilogram body weight in rats and hence can be safely used as an insecticide on this vegetable crop.

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