Author:Manikantan M R, Arul Selvam T, Tarsem Chand , Rajiv Sharma , Sajeev Rattan Sharma and Balakrishnan M
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:101, Issue:apr-jun
DOI: objective of this study was to investigate the effect of moisture content on force and energy required for fracturing the sunflower (var. CO 2) seed and its kernel under compression loading. Initial Cracking Force (ICF), Mean Rupture Force (MRF) and Rupture Energy (RE) were studied with four different moisture levels (6 – 18%, d.b.). The obtained results showed that the initial cracking force and mean rupture force decreased linearly with increase in moisture content for both sunflower seed and kernel. However, the rupture energy was found to be increasing linearly for seed and kernel with moisture content. The values of all the studied attributes were higher for seed than kernel at all moisture levels.
Key words : Moisture content, Sunflower var.CO 2, Initial cracking force, Rupture energy
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