Madras Agricultural Journal
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First record of the Green Nettle Slug caterpillar, Thosea aperiens WIk.. in India


                                The seasons! occurrence and life-history of the green nettle slug caterpillar, Thosea aperiens Wik., a new pest of cholam (Sorghum spp.) in Coimbatore are reported in this paper. Besides cholam it attacks ragi and redgram. The larvae defoliate the plants and also cause annoyance to persons by inflicting severe pain by the poisonous hairs if they happen to come in contact with the haire. The moth emergence takes place by October- November and the larvae feed on the loaves till December. The full grown larva forms the cocoon in the soil during December-January. The larva aestivates for about 8 to 9 months and forms the pupa by August-September.

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