Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Naphthalene Acetic acid (NAA) on the pre-harvest drop of Mandarin Orange fruits


                                The effect of Planofix (NAA) in the provention of pre-har- vest fruit drop in mandarin orange was studied at the Agricultural Research Station, Ambalavayal during two seasons. Thres concen trations of active growth regulators i. e. 26 ppm, 5 ppm and 10 ppm were used in the trial with a control receiving only water spray. 5 ppm active growth regulator was found to reduce the fruit drop by 22-57 per cent in the off-season crop and by 4-28 per cent in the main season сrор over the untreated plants. There was no appreciable difference in the weight of the fruits obtained from the treated and untreated plants.

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