Madras Agricultural Journal
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Agricultural Education in Andhra Pradesh


                                During the World War II, accute shortage of food was felt and even though there were many potentialities in the country, no definite action could be taken to start another Agricultural College to take up various schemes to step up food production. After the end of the war, many schemes were formulated under the post-war reconstruction scheme and the major project was to produce more trained personnel in agriculture to man the several departmental schemes and to achieve the food production targets aimed by the then Government. As a result, the Government of Madras drafted a scheme to establish a second Agricultural College in Andhra area especially in Delta districts where ample irrigation facilities are available. So the first Agricultural College in Andhra area namely the Agricultural College, Bapatla was established in July 1945 by the then Madras Government and was affiliated to the Andhra University. Never the less the Courses, Curriculums and other features to run the College were based entirely on the model of the Coimbatore college. In other words, it can be stated that the Bapatla Agricultural College is an off-shoot of the Agricultural College, Coimbatore.

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