Madras Agricultural Journal
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A few observations on the growing of Sesbania speciosa at Aduthurai


                                Sesbania speciosa was first introduced from South Africa for tri.... green manure crop in Madras Stato during the year 1935-36 from the seeds supplied by H. W. Sampson. An observational trial was first laid during that year at Agricultural Research Station, Aduthurai. This trial revealed that sesbania can be grown as a suitable green manure crop and it was found superior to daincha (Sesbania aculeata) in all respects. Daincha becomes woody within two months after sowing while sesbania does not become woody especially when it is sown thick, thus making the incorporation of the stalks in the soil quite easy. Sesbania attains 10 ft. height within four months. The shedding of leaves is comparatively less in sesbania. than in daincha and there is less wastage in taking it from one field to another.

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