Madras Agricultural Journal
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Biochemical Composition of Sugarcane Leaf Sheath due to Feeding by Sugarcane Blister Mite, Aceria sacchari Chan.


                                The sugarcane blister mite, Aceria sacchari Chan. is one of the most prevalent host specific mites infesting sugarcane leaf sheath. This mite induces discoloured blisters on the inner surface of leaf sheath which supports hundreds of mites within the spongy tissue. Biochemical investigations carried out in the susceptible sugarcane cultivar revealed that there was increase in moisture content, decrease in chlorophyll, total sugars, reducing sugars, significant increase in total free amino acids, phenols, crude protein content and peroxidase activity. Among the nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents were found to be increased, while calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, and copper were depleted due to mite feeding.

Key words : Sugarcane blister mite, Aceria sacchari, Biochemical Changes,leaf sheath.


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