Madras Agricultural Journal
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Insecticidal Control of Surulpoochi (Stomopteryx subsecivella Zell) on Groundnut


                                Among the pests of groundnut, Surulpoochi (Stomopteryx subsecivella Zell) is a major one next to red-hairy caterpillar (Amsacta albistriga M.) in causing severe damage to the crop. It is a small dark- headed greenish caterpillar which mines into the young leaves and folds and brings together adjacent leaves, feeds on the leaf tissue and hence known as Surul or Mudupoochi (Ramakrishna Ayyar, 1940). Attempts have been made to control the insect and dusting DDT 5 per cent at the rate of 20 lb. per acre has been found effective in bringing down the pest incidence (Anon. 1947 and 1953). The aerial spraying conducted during 1963 summer in Kurnool district (Andhra Pradesh) revealed the efficacy of Endrin in controlling the pest (Krishnamurthi Rao et al, 1963). In the observational insecticidal trial for the control of Surulpoochi conducted at the Regional Research Station, Tindivanam, during 1962-63 rainfed season, Endrin 0.02 per cent spray effectively checked the pest incidence and registered high yield with maximum net profit (Vittal et al, 1964). With the object of comparing these chemicals with new insecticides like Parathion, Dieldrin and Aldrin, trials were conducted on the rainfed and summer crops of 1963-64 at the Regional Research Station, Tindivanam.

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