Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Concept of Agricultural Universities


                                The highest level and greatest efficiency in agricultural production in this country, as indeed in any other country, can be achieved only through the application of modern scientific principles to the practices employed in crop and livestock production and in soil and water management. The development of the agricultural colleges, agricultural experiment stations, and extension organizations has this as its major objectives. The key to success in such a program is an intelligent, well trained and imaginative corps of scientists dedicated to the ideals of service. It requires a progressive research organization with its activities focused closely on the problems of the cultivators which limit increased productivity. This in turn must be closely linked, on the one hand with the program of training students so that the advances in agricultural science are rapidly incorporated into their program of instruction and on the other hand, with an extension service which carries these improvements to the cultivator and in turn keeps the research workers in touch with the problems of the cultivator.

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