Madras Agricultural Journal
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Handling Cotton seed, after release as Variety in Madras State


                                The benefits of the improved varieties cannot be realized in. full, until enough seed has been produced for a variety and grown on a commercial scale, over the entire area to which it is adapted. Proper provision should also be made to maintain the varietal purity, as otherwise much of the efforts and cost expended in developing the improved types may come to naught. The regular seed multiplication and distribution work on more scientific lines has been in steady progress in Madras State for nearly one and a half decades (Balasubramanyan, 1951 & 1955). This machinery is set in motion, by the cotton breeder who periodically makes available small amounts of "elite" seed of the variety. An account of the efforts made since the beginning of the present century, for the multiplication and distribution of cotton seed and the latest developments in Madras State is presented in this article.

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