Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Study on the chemical composition of compost produced by the local bodies of the Madras State during the Years 1960-1963


                                Compost manure, has, of late, assumed greater importance in Indian agriculture. Many notable advances have taken place in the field of composting ever since Hutchinson and Richards (1921) enunciated the scientific principles of composting. The Bangalore method of composting evolved by Acharya (1939) is adopted by the local bodies of the Madras State, with suitable modifications, for the preparation of compost manures. The urban compost scheme is in operation in the Madras State for the past six years and the local bodies, under this, are given incentive for compost production. To ensure good quality of compost, samples of compost are collected periodically from them and tested for their quality. Based on the quality of compost produced by the local bodies during the years 1960-'63 as judged from their total nitrogen and phosphoric acid contents, certain conclusions have been drawn. The results of the findings are presented in this paper.

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