Madras Agricultural Journal
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Radio for scientific farming in India


                                Radio is an important medium of mass communication in extension work in giving agricultural information on weather, storms, means of combating invasions of insects or diseases etc. It has the distinct advantage of giving emergency agricultural information at the quickest time to the largest audience, even several times a day, according to necessity. It has a vital role to play in motivating farmers to take to the latest technological advances in agricultural science, especially in developing countries. It is a recognition of this fact that made the Food and Agricultural Organisation organise a seminar on Farm Broadcasting for Asia and Far Eastern Countries in January-February, 1964 in India in New Delhi, as one of the activities of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. To get across messages selected out of the immense agricultural researches to the 360 millions of farmers of India is an arduous task of extension workers. While advanced countries like the U. S. A., Canada., Australia and Japan have forged ahead exploiting the scope of Farm Broadcasting in their countries, India has its problems to solve in this sphere. The All India Radio is doing significant service through its 30 stations by broadcasting in all languages and 48 dialects.

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