Madras Agricultural Journal
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Seasonal Occurrence and Predatory Efficiency of Spalgis epius (Westwood) on Mealy Bug, Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara De Willink) infesting Cotton


                                Spalgis epius (Westwood) is a lycaenid predator of the mealy bug Paracoccus marginatus. Seasonal occurrence of S. epius in cotton field and its predatory efficiency on P. marginatus were studied. Peak activity of this predator was observed during the months of June and July. Mean occurrence of S. epius was more in cotton compared to alternate hosts. Significantly higher number of mealy bug crawlers was predated by the 3rd instar larvae of the predator followed by 2nd instar and 4th instar larvae. Percentage of predation by S. epius was directly proportional to the level of infestation of mealy bug indicating the pest-density dependent behaviour of the predator.

Key words : Mealy bug; Paracoccus marginatus; lycaenid Spalgis epius; Seasonal occurrence; Predatory efficiency; Cotton


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