Madras Agricultural Journal
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Study of the Organisation and Functions of Co-operative Farming Societies in the Madras State


                                Co-operative farming has assumed greater significance in the wake of the continued support and encouragement of the Government of India in their efforts to reorganise agricultural institutions and reorient their functions to fit into the dynamic framework of Indian agriculture. Co-operative farming is identified as an institution or business organisation in agriculture which can render, all the advantages of large scale operations and mitigate against the twin evils of subdivision and fragmentation of holdings which dampen the enthusiasm for adoption of improved technology and deter cultivators' efforts to get out of subsistence farming characterised by vicious circle of low productivity and low capitalisation in these atomistic business units. Further it is, as it is claimed. often, an association for economically weaker sections of forming communities to report to joint endeavour with the objectives of mutual help and service and to array against powerful interests like traders in farm requirements and farm products in the markets which are woefully tilted against the farmer. Voluntary association is the hallmark of the co-operative movement and co-operative farming institutions enshrine this vital principle.

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