Madras Agricultural Journal
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Sowing Time: A factor in increasing linseed yield in Madhya Pradesh


                                Richharia (1950) in his efforts to produce good linseed fibre, indirectly found that the crop sown in the latter half of September gave more grain yield than the crop sown in August or the first fortnight of September at Powarkheda. There were no significant differences in grain yield of the crop sown on 19th September and 4th October. Sowings later than 4th October were not attempted. Richharia (loc. cit) conducted similar experiments at Sabour and the end of September was considered the best time for the production of maximum straw and grain yield. Culbertson (1952), reported varietal differences with respect to the time of sowing as one variety was found to respond better with early sowing and the other with late sowing. Dastur and Bhatt, in their investigations on the growth of the linseed crop at Indore, found the first fortnight of October the optimum period to sow linseed for obtaining high yield and oil content. In view of the results obtained at Indore, field experiments to determine the optimum period for linseed were carried out at the experimental farms in several linseed growing regions of Madhya Pradesh where the crop is cultivated under rainfed conditions.

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